Made with government funding from Innovate UK

Make a moment that lasts. 

Sing, record, and share with loved ones, uniting people through music that will be cherished for generations to come. 


Our Song emerged from the Innovate UK: Creative Industries fund, part of the £750 million COVID support fund, driven by the belief in music’s ability to connect and uplift.

Developed by Arash Bazrafshan, an HCPC registered Music Therapist with 10 years’ experience, Our Song empowers individuals and their support network to create shared musical experiences that last and strengthen their bonds, one song at a time.

Discover the magic of Our Song, a brilliantly simple app that brings family and friends together through music.

Record your vocals, share with your loved ones, and create heartwarming covers of your favourite songs – no matter the distance or location across the UK. Make positive experiences and forge connections, all through the power of music.


Listen to loved ones singing their heart out and let them listen to thier own voice.


Make your own songs and record with friends and family.


Each song contains activity ideas to get people moving along to the music.


Connect with family and friends through the app and create songs together!

Unleash the Power of Music with Our Song

Experience multiple phases of health benefits from music through singing, social connection, and creating lasting memories.


Singing Stimulation

Feel invigorated and engaged by participating in the joyful act of singing, fostering emotional expression and enhancing well-being.


Social Connection

Strengthen bonds with loved ones as you collaborate to create your unique rendition of favorite songs, enriching your relationships and nurturing a sense of belonging.


Cherished Legacy

Preserve the magic of your musical journey by crafting recordings that capture precious moments, leaving a lasting imprint for generations to come.

Sing Together, Be Together – Get Our Song Now!
